Before our linguistic comprehension of the world we were all connected in eco-systemic way and our consciousness existed through those billions of connections in nature. When our symbolic universe slowly developed from signs and symbols to linguistic words with all sorts of meanings and to the spoken language, our consciousness separated and slowly isolated from nature.

In ancient societies our language was mainly used for communication between humans. We used it for hunting strategies, for warfare, for bartering and slowly to express more complex feelings. As our nonverbal consciousness gradually isolated from our original nature to a more complex societal and linguistic consciousness the need for shamans, seers and priests arose. Shamans were those who helped people to stay in connection with nature. When I say nature I mean holistic world-view that includes also our spirituality, not just the world we see through our physical eyes. I also mean the eco-system. Our symbiosis with our surroundings. The way to connect with it.

So that’s why shamans were and are called healers and those who create balance between different worlds. That’s why they are tradition protectors. That’s why they are told to teach the old ways.

It all goes back to time before our linguistic consciousness. To the times when our behaviour and social balance was based on our instincts, feelings and connections around us. It was nonverbal.

This is the path I walk. The path I teach. The tradition I protect. This is my hands making it alive again. It’s the silence around the camp fire and staring at the flames. Our true story is told without words. It’s when we feel. That’s The Saga of me and you.